June 23, 2023
Entropy is a concept in physics that refers to the measure of disorder or randomness of a system. Entropy is related to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the total entropy of a closed system can only increase over time. This means that systems tend to move towards states of maximum disorder, or maximum entropy, over time.
In our modern world, we have so much to worry about: jobs, relationships, housing, finances, pets, children, electronics, and online profiles. Without a process set up to review, categorize, and delete items related to these areas, we end up with endless clutter that takes ages to sift through when we need to find something. This is where regular reviews come in.
Regular reviews help to avoid the effects of entropy, the tendency of things to move towards disorder. Life is chaotic and constantly changing, and without a system in place, chaos will ensue. Just like that one drawer where we put everything and only clean it once every few years, our digital and physical spaces will become cluttered if we don't put in the effort to maintain them.
Regular clean-ups, whether weekly, monthly, or yearly, can help us stay on top of things. The direct rebound effect of regular reviews is increased productivity, as our minds are clearer, and we waste less time searching for things. Regular reviews can be applied to both personal and work-related areas, and can help us lead more organized and efficient lives.
By setting up a process for regular reviews, we can avoid the chaos and clutter that comes with modern life. It's time to take control of our spaces and our minds, and start reaping the benefits.
Here are some examples of how to set up a regular review:
- Weekly review: Take an hour each week to review your schedule for the upcoming week, review your to-do list, and clean up your workspace. This can help you feel more prepared for the week ahead and reduce stress.
- Monthly review: Take a half-day each month to review your progress on your goals, finances, and other areas of your life. This can help you identify areas where you need to focus more attention and make adjustments to your plans.
- Yearly review: Take a day or two each year to review the past year, set goals for the upcoming year, and declutter your physical and digital spaces. This can help you reflect on your accomplishments and make plans for the future.
By setting aside regular time for reviews, you can stay on top of things and avoid the chaos and clutter that comes with modern life.